ValueRays® USB Hand Warmers - Infrared Heaters - The Healthy Way to Use the Computer!


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Monday, February 9, 2009

Hand numbness ….. what are the causes?

from Ask the Neurologist

"I have hand numbness on the right. What’s causing it?"

First, go to a Neurologist to get it checked properly.

Sensory disturbance in the hand (tingling or numbness) may occur from anything which disturbs the sensory pathway from the receptors in the skin until the final point of perception in the brain. Approached systematically problems in the following places in the nervous system can cause this:

1) Skin (eg. following a severe burn)
2) Nerves
————e.g. trapped median nerve (as in “carpal tunnel syndrome” )
————e.g. trapped ulnar nerve at the elbow
————e.g. problem in the nerve roots coming out of the spinal cord in the neck or lower part of the brachial plexus (bundle of nerves near the arm-pit)
3) Spinal cord (neck area)
4) Brain (usually the opposite side to the hand affected).

The sensory pathways are dealt with in our lectures on the neurological examination and in our clinical neuroanatomy lecture focusing on the brainstem.
For hand warmers and infrared heat computer devices to soothe hand numbness, visit or Infrared heat is known to relax muscle tissue. Always seek advice for your medical condition from a professional. For more details about cold hand or numb hand related conditions, click here.

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